Tuesday 23 June 2020

621. Decide Your Day By Creating Your Future

Use what you want in your future to decide what you're going to do today!


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This is second cup of coffee. I'm Jason I'm feeling and we are about to get started.


I love the song plays in my head.


Alright, so welcome back. It's Monday, I got coffee, we got cows about to enter the room make sure that their presence is heard and on that fact we've had a really awesome start to the week here God forbid energy kids got up happy everybody's been moving along getting a lot of stuff done hope the same for you. Um, we also came off a solid weekend right so it was a weekend here where we really dove in and wanted to discuss just a lot about about making sure that we have a good grip on where we were to go with this week and our our whole focus was making sure that we were going to make some choices about schools potentially opening back up for the daycare for the kiddos. We want to talk about that you'll make some changes just because now is the time to look forward and today is the day about looking forward to your future. And of course, well, you can look at your future, but it's only going to be about what you do right now. That's going to start leading into that path. So what do we learn this weekend?


We learned that Luke really loves music. You notice in there, I mean, this isn't this weekend. This is just right now it's just in there. And somehow he's found out the music app. And he's making music playing on the piano, very


sound and all these things, and I'm just like, Wow, my kid. Our kid is amazing. So this weekend, what


did I learn this weekend?


You know what I just I realized, I'm going to make it my personal mission. I mean, we have we have our mission at the Jason PV project. And we actually have, you know, we're all about growth and we're always growing what we're doing. So for me, my personal mission is to just get as much Aloha and aloha to the world and everybody in it. That's, that's my personal Deep down in my neck out in my tummy mission. But what were we discussing? We were discussing about our mission in the car and we came up with this amazing phrase. And of course, it slipped out of my head, but you wrote it down.


Yeah. And that's it, because we discussed but I'm gonna retract this and go back to it. But it's really we got to thinking about what is the message that we want to get across here? What is that thing that we want to continue to bring to you? And it's tactical advice to a fulfilling life? Yes. And that route carries through our message, right? Because we, that's what we want, right? We want to provide technical steps tactical advice, whether it's from us or people that come in the show, that can help you find a more fulfilling life and that can be whether you need to improve your mental toughness, improve your health, grow your wealth, any of those topics, and if we're not perfect, we're here to learn with you. But these are the steps that we're using see other people taking that are really driving forward their days or weeks. There are others. So you know, I'll throw out a couple other things. YPO is out there. I also learned that I In Latin, the word quarantine or quarantine was corn. Tina means 40 days and that that was used to be based on designated how long a quarantine can happen, right. So so I think our extended quarantine, we're starting to see that that move away move points and other people are, are taking steps along with that. And also the economy, just the way that's not directly tied to the stock market, which was also shocking, right? Because it's the stock market is really pushing forward really bushing looking at the that we're really after opportunistic about where the future lies, and that that leads to a couple things right. So regardless that you know, small businesses or are really taking a hit and probably go out Well, most of the stock market is larger corporations, larger companies that had the balance sheet had the reserves had the willingness and ability to sustain throughout, so on that prospect, although a lot of businesses small businesses are really getting hurt right now and potentially are never coming back the economy still from a large business perspective. The stock market is really, really I'm still looking forward to that. It's a good time. So where does that push for us? Where does that push for us in terms of what is our step to provide technical advice to a fulfilling life?


What steps are we going to give people? I mean, we're, we're all about having a fit rich life. And now having this additional layer on top of that, just this additional kind of pinpointed pneus of what we want to do to give people tactical steps. So like what I said before, I want to push as much aloha as I can out into the world. But how am I going to do that without giving everyone the way this show is the way to limit the way to be able to live that positive, live that amazing life without those steps. So how are we going to do that? Well, we're doing it right now. So what kind of steps are we going to give everyone?


Well, like parenting right so I was trying to work out together was always A task, right? So sometimes when we are going to CrossFit, we were able to use the daycare for the time being. But it's always a task. We even right now, we tried to do a workout together with the three kids outside with us. It's just not happening, right? You have one run again, as we said, or other points or kids jumping in or running in or everything else point, we found that, you know, the thing that's working for us is doing this, you go I go, so basically people go out there and do a set, you know, so running some kettlebell, some bike, some step ups, and then I will be with the kids. And then in our little downtime with the kids, maybe we'll do something like little setups or push on or something in between and what why purely takes three to four minutes, we'll do that. Come back, and then I'll go We'll do that back and forth. So we're constantly with the kids, but the other person's getting the workout data, we're doing it together. So that's actually been something that's been really workable working for us right now and we're doing this and he's quick spurts where you go out there you get three minutes in three minutes or three minutes in three minutes off. You do that for a full 4548 50 minutes and can be really beneficial for you to get a quick workout in. under an hour and push for, and we also love challenges. The other thing we're doing is hashtag 50 with will or 50 push up challenge, which just basically means you do 50 pushups every day for 30 days. And the thing is, this is scalable folks, you hear the words push up, and automatically people like, I don't know, 235 10 years ago, if you had asked me back then, and you told me to do a push up, I'm like, No,


not at all. But the thing is, you can scale it, go to a wall, if you really can't do anything. For like any push ups, go to a wall, put your hands like this against the wall, and push and keep on like working your feet backwards, push and then go to a table. Make sure it's a sturdy table. I asked somebody to do this in another group, and they're like, really, the table broke and I almost killed myself. I was like, well, I'll do another bar table.


So that's our first step there. But yeah, but that but it's scalable, so fine, you're not responsible for tables break. or anything else sort of those points are? This is our disclaimer. Yeah, but our so disclaimer so so


challenge yourself, get out there and find a tribe of people who are willing to be your accountability partners because that is key and call Jason I will wallet countability partner you to the day that you finally get it. Yeah. So start small scale it that means what scaling means is like you take the push up, you put up against a wall, you do what you can you put up on a table, you do what you can to lower yourself and lower yourself until you're actually on the ground. So that's what I did when I first started in CrossFit. I mean, Jason remembers, I couldn't do a push up. And this was like after the birth of my third child. I was, I mean, I wasn't overweight, but I was definitely like very weak. My body was weak. And I went there and I felt I kind of felt dumb, but the thing is like, that was me. telling me that nobody at that CrossFit gym thought that number one, most people are too busy to like even give you a second thought. Number two, they were they're the ones that actually cared really care deeply and knew that I could do it and help me take the steps to get there. So that's what we want to do for you, whether it's in fitness, whether it's in health, whether it's in jumping into real estate into multifamily, you let us know how we can help you and we'll give you the steps,


because what he's really talking to here is that daily, we're trying to do practices because the first thing we need to do each day is and take that down is when against ourselves, right? So so we need to beat ourselves daily, because it's the first person or the first thing that's going to stop us in our mind or us right we're going to stop ourselves first and I'll talk to him today the one name but a friend has a has a disease, right? There's 100 cases of this a year and right now you know He's struggling Of course, I understandably right, because what happened with with COVID shut down all these things that were electives were his treatment was deemed elective, right. So that that parlayed him taking the time to be able to have his moments back. And now, you know, he's finally back having his treatment. But his response was, yeah, there's no guarantee we'll work. But you know, I shot back and we said, but there's no guarantee it won't work. Right. So so they're like, we could start like that we could change it around. And I brought it to the story of Conan Brady, I believe, who was burned head to toe and they almost died in Thailand. He showed up to see his mom and his the doctors basically said, you're never going to do anything again, you know, not even walk and his mom said, and if not calibrated, I'm sorry, but I'm pretty sure it is. But that is, mom. So what do you want to do? He said, Why don't we do a triathlon? And from that point, it was just like, the most important to your point, just told he's never going to walk again. But that was his focus, right? I said, I'm going to focus on this. That's what I'm putting all my energy and now he's gone on. To not only do that and do all these other things, you know when nice, we have the fastest part to do it, but he's now it's conquered these amazing amazing things broken all kinds of world records from like walking across Antarctica or one of these really insane, insane races. And you know, it just drives forward that we have to believe in our mind first because that's going to lead us through because so many times if you're just gonna, your mind is gonna stop you well then there's no chance. zero chance.


Well, I'm thinking about saying since you bring him up, I'm thinking about the story of Bethany Hamilton. She was she is a world class athlete. She is a surfer. She was about 15 when she went surfing with a bunch of friends and a shark took her arm. If that happened, like my mind first goes, I'm never gonna go jump in the ocean again. But the thing is that happened to her she lost her arm. Regardless, maybe even in spite of this woman has become just as surfing icon because she took that and she used her now she had this. She created a platform for herself. She became a world champion, world class surfer. And she like she competes against the best if she wins, and she doesn't have an arm. So she she got back into the water she trained. She was 15 folks. She was a few years younger than me back when this happened. She's 15 she got back on her board. She serves mega waves and I'm not just talking about those little lumps she's This is like overhead. 10 feet overhead, huge waves. This girl rips. She doesn't have an arm. So it's all up here. It's all up here. And this tells your body how to react. So


get this right first. And so Greg, I pull this up here cuz I like working out with a sledge hammer works before especially if you work outdoors. Papa is my idol. So broken into 10 fingers and if you see this one up close this finger was shattered with a sledge sledgehammer so yes I I know the use of a sledgehammer is not to hit your finger, but but different aptitudes I was I was 13 at the time, but I found out the hard way but it is a valuable resource. There was lots of CrossFit workouts use them and every other point so a fun thing you can do right there which just talks to what you can do with Okay, I don't have kettlebells or barbells you have things around your home right so I threw I have a backpack there that I've been running to get long run runs in that I've been throwing weight in so I've been carrying 30 pounds by run out there on my back and it just not you know the backpacks ripping through me on my arms because not made to be used this way, but it's just getting used this way. Right? Well, we haven't used it lately. You know, where am I going with the backpack? No, but in effect, okay, now it's now it's a toe it's a weight sack. And so now it's part of my workout plan. So look at what you have out there. Look what you can do. Look what you can use yourself to really just have a great workout. You Gotta commit right you just got to say okay, well not that I can't write Oh, I have nothing to work out with what okay just based on the workout we have these benches that were just sitting there as I guess decorative pieces of people have that stuff. They're not decorative pieces anymore. They are basically our boxes or or step up boxes


or whatever they are separate boxes are bought like box jump boxes, we use them for everything we use them if, if I don't feel like going on the ground doing my push ups those days, I'm just like, hey, my arms hurt but I want to get my push ups and I do that we do our step ups with your jump ups. Well, I think you even tried to like lift them once that was probably not the best idea


no, I lifting wasn't that bad by lifting them with a kettlebell on top of them and that almost well it didn't that so I'm not gonna say it almost any bad, didn't bat. So purpose there is that you try everything and it may not work. But if it doesn't kill you, then you have a chance to try it again. So take up Yeah. Jacob, Jacob, Jason. So Jacob always coming in strong your strong beliefs. definitive action which leads to big results and little belief leads to small action with leads to to really small results and confirmation bias. Yeah, absolutely. So your your point here is you have to think big, right? I get on these paths for listening to some people for a time and just find her narrative what I'm enjoying now James richer. hope I'm saying that correctly but he just talks about writing down 10 ideas a day just to get really your mind working and, and I found that that's it's super helpful, right? Because Because I get a lot of ideas running on the plate, but you put those points out, you start putting your finger to put your pen to paper, it just brings on so much other other greatness and everything you're doing. You start thinking outside the box because we get so conditioned to just stay within our lane, right? Okay. This is how it is and if it doesn't work, okay. I guess it doesn't work. But you look at this and you say, Okay, these are the hands I've dealt and I was reading something today, okay. So if you get dealt a bad The hand of cards, and you have no way of winning Well, here's your thing, lose or change the rules.


Change the rules, change the rules.


Actually, you know what, I think that's a great idea. I challenge everyone that's listening today. Write down 10 ideas doesn't don't, do not let your head get in the way of writing those ideas. You have an idea whether it's, I'm going to walk on the moon, fine, write it down, just write it down, write down those ideas that pop into your head, because you never know one of those 10 ideas might be the one that you need to grow that pillar. Grow that next step. Take your level, take your life to the next level.


Yeah, so I actually saw something today that I thought was just, I was like, man, if we were not having more kids, but if we were having another kid, I would definitely do this right. So why the kids are playing in sand and everybody knows taking your little kids into sand. What a mess that is. They've sent everywhere. Every time they get food foods in their mouth. Well, they're actually taking Cheerios and grinding Cheerios up and making sand like playthings of the Cheerios. And so now they have a little place where the kids can play in the Cheerios and and they're not eating sand and you're not trying to keep the sand out at all. If you had little kids you know, I don't need to go that far but it's it never ends well, so I'm half fat, but that would How sick is that? Right? And we're 60 minutes into you crushing a workout out there. If you are really hit it out. Let us know what you're doing for working out sledgehammer we'd love that right? Something like that awesome little thing. Running. We've been running a ton pure. He's really been putting the work in with running so got a good amount of miles in this weekend. I've been feeling good with my runs been good on my pace. We're doing some five part course we talked about that. So we're doing our two workouts a day just so we're each get one in the morning. And one in the afternoon. I think that's been a good transition since last time where I'd get one in the morning who was trying to get in to, you know, either mid or end of the day. And that was always difficult, right? Because next thing you know,


next thing I know, it's like 10 in the evening and I'm just like I I think I'll have a full 45 minutes I still have to work out.


But I think the good thing that we're learning from this point, it's just like ending you're supposed to be doing get it done early, right? There's no advantage to to waiting. There's no advantage to the point of getting to.


If it's important, then get it done.


Yeah, well, if it's something valuable, right, so you can only analyze for so much before. It just it becomes an afterthought, right? Because you move on to the next thing you're analyzing, you just never really just expand from where you are.


What have we done today? What did you do so far? I ran, you ran, I ran and I did my 50 pushups.


50 push ups. Well, so that's a good one right there. I'll get that in later today. We haven't figured out what we're doing later today, but we'll figure it out. And it's just that point. Sometimes you get out there and start doing right. So I think with my runs where I don't know the direction, just run run in one direction, right? And that's the same thing with business. If you don't know where to go, well start going somewhere and you'll either find out, it's the wrong way and you pivot and you figure out what doesn't work or You'll find that that's the right path, but I guarantee what's not going to get you anywhere is standing still no. So, that leads us into going into tomorrow. We are we are talking about. So the topic tomorrow will be so far you've survived 100 of your worst days. So you're undefeated.


You're undefeated. If you're here if you're listening to this, if you're here with us, you are undefeated.


Everything and so looking at that, what else can you do?


What else can you I mean, are we gonna dive into it? Are we going to win so tomorrow, no tomorrow, but of course, please hit that subscribe button, go over there. Go to YouTube. We got a lot of fun things coming up. So some great people on board some great interviews coming up some great people had helping up some video editing. We are continuing to expand today on most multifamily. We have Ashley Wilson. She is a fantastic mom. She flips she she does large multifamily. She's like she has two amazing kids. She has an amazing husband. They have this amazing business together and she lets you know how she does it as a mother as a wife as everything and sorrow. You are amazing. Thank you so much for your inspiration. This little this this amazing, amazing woman sent me a card out of sort of normal nowhere. She was like, Hey, what's your address? I'm like here, my address. I haven't talked to you for ages. But here's my address. And then she sent me this amazing card and it like warmed my heart and this is this is what it means to give each other strength. You say I give you strength, you give me strength, you give us strength. And this is why I want to make sure that the world gets more kindness, more Aloha, more everything out there and just a low strength folks. Kindness is strength. Love it.


All right. So tomorrow check back for more tactical advice. I like that for fulfilling life. On second cup of coffee,


second cup of coffee, folks.


All right. It is Monday. See tomorrow.


So doo doo doo doo. Here


we are. There's actually a, we can actually go off but I forgot, of course to do our outro. But in fact we're there. We're going to say thank you so much everyone because we're on six different platforms.


Transcribed by https://otter.ai

Check out this episode!

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